First Posted: Aug 03, 2015 01:45 PM EDT

En redes sociales circula una cuenta en Instagram donde se muestran los videos más impresionantes del cuerpo humano, y aunque solo duran 15 segundos los videos han creado controversia por mostrar órganos del cuerpo y sus movimientos dentro y fuera de él.

La cuenta se ha convertido en viral a pocos días de haberse dado a conocer  y cuenta con un aproximado de 41 mil seguidores gracias a sus impresionantes fotografías.

Mira la recopilación de que Latinos Post tiene para ti y comenta con nosotros cual es la fotografía más impresionante que viste. 



HOW A MOTHER'S EMOTIONAL STATE AFFECTS HER BABY #PregnancyProblems Here is a simulation of how a newborn's epiglottis prevents breast milk from spilling into the lungs during feeding! The baby's thirst & appetite-mediated ingestive behavior develop & are programmed inside the womb. Fetal swallowing activity in the womb is markedly different from that of a normal adult; spontaneous fetal swallowing occurs at a much higher (six-fold) rate compared to spontaneous adult drinking activity. This high rate of fetal swallowing is critical for the regulation of amniotic fluid volume & the development of the fetal gastrointestinal tract. Near-term fetal swallowing occurs in discrete bouts of activity (at approx. 30-min intervals) in association with fetal electrocortical voltage changes inside the womb. Swallowing rhythms have been hypothesized to be connected to maternal-fetal neurobehavioral states such as the mother's emotional wellbeing, diet & daily physical activities! This is one reason why relaxation & stress reduction via Lamaze breathing techniques, yoga &/or meditation is recommended for every mother who is pregnant! #MEDspiration TAG SOMEONE YOU LOVE! Video credit: @medical.nucleus These studies were published in journal literature at the U.S. National Institute of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM). Nijiland MJ, Day L, Ross MG. Ovine fetal swallowing: expression of preterm neurobehavioral rhythms. K Matern Fetal Med. 2001 Aug; 10(4):251-7.

Un vídeo publicado por Non-profit Organization (@medspiration) el 6 de Jul de 2015 a la(s) 9:01 PDT



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